- IDCC REACTION TO THE 2024/25 DEVELOPMENT BUDGETIDCC WELCOMES THE MODEST INCREASE IN OFFICAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE (ODA) – The international development budget announced last night has provided for a small increase of around 4% in ODA on
- IDCC REACTION TO THE 2024/25 DEVELOPMENT BUDGETIDCC WELCOMES THE MODEST INCREASE IN OFFICAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE (ODA) – The international development budget announced last night has provided for a small increase of around 4% in ODA on
- IDCC WELCOMES LABOR’S COMMITMENT TO REBUILDING AUSTRALIA’S INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMThe International Development Contractors’ Community (IDCC) welcomes the election of the new Government and its commitments to rebuilding Australia’s international development program and increasing Official Development Assistance. The IDCC congratulates
- IDCC ‘s New CEO – Jane HaycockThe IDCC Board welcomes Jane Haycock as Chief Executive Officer. Jane commences with the IDCC this week, and looks forward to working with members in implementing the priorities of the
- IDCC REACTION TO THE 2022/23 DEVELOPMENT BUDGETThe IDCC welcomes stabilisation of the development budget, but the next steps need to be up, not down, as we deal with a world battered by COVID and disrupted by
- Ethical research and evaluation – everyone’s accountableAustralia has a reputation for delivering high-quality development assistance. As we adapt to the global impact of COVID-19 and deliver the Australian Government’s Partnerships for Recovery: Australia’s COVID-19 Development Response, encouraging
- Quad Vaccines Decision Delivers Health, Economic and Strategic Benefit – IDCC Media Statement 15 March 2021The announcement that Australia will join with the US, Japan and India to supply an additional one billion COVID vaccines in the Indo-Pacific region is an historic display of international
- Clear COVID Plan for the Region – IDCC Media Statement 29 May 2020This is a statement from the International Development Contractors’ Community (IDCC) in response to the Australian Government’s Partnerships for Recovery strategy released on 29 May 2020. A PDF copy of
- Budget 2021: IDCC calls on Government to sustain and strengthen Australia’s intensified international effortsAs the government prepares the 2021-22 budget, we recognise the intense demands it faces on multiple fronts. Continuing strong and effective management of our COVID response is the most pressing
- Adviser Remuneration FrameworkIDCC has provided its views to DFAT on the Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF) following wide consultation throughout the contracting community. The IDCC noted that the ARF was unduly restrictive, with
- Inaugural Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy and Defence DialogueThe IDCC supported the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue: Rethinking Australia’s International Relations, which took place on 5 November 2019 As a Co-Chair of the inaugural AP4D, the