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Quad Vaccines Decision Delivers Health, Economic and Strategic Benefit – IDCC Media Statement 15 March 2021

The announcement that Australia will join with the US, Japan and India to supply an additional one billion COVID vaccines in the Indo-Pacific region is an historic display of international leadership, just when it is needed most.

Australia’s International Development Contractors’ Community (IDCC) commends the forward-looking and constructive vision embodied in the initiative.

Threats to regional security and prosperity are higher than they have been for decades.  This requires a larger, integrated and prolonged Australian international effort, in cooperation with friends and allies.

The Quad announcement suggests that process has commenced in earnest.

Australia will not be safe from COVID until the region and the world are safe.  COVID hotspots are reservoirs for mutation that make us vulnerable to more deadly, more transmissible variants.

In our own interests, as well common humanity, we must extend cooperation to minimise the return of the virus to our shores.

Even when vaccines have been rolled out globally, the de-stabilising economic, social and political effects will echo for years.  In an era of geopolitical contestation, countries will seek to take advantage of this.  We cannot afford to be on the sidelines.

The IDCC recognises and applauds the fact that the Australian government continues to announce measures that ramp up our response.  As key partners and enablers for the Australian government, our industry commits to continue to pivot our activities to protect our neighbours, as well as Australia.

IDCC Board, 15 March 2021

A PDF copy of this statement can be downloaded here

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